Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Incident with Maurice and Sunny (Holden's point-of-view)

Last night, boy I was drunk as hell, I got back to the hotel after going to a lousy bar to drink some cocktails. I got in the elevator and the moron who operates it asked me if I wanna have a woman sent up to my room. I agreed because I ain't never gotton sexy with a woman before, and this was my chance. I got to my room and a while later she came up. I was thinking she'd be an old lady, but she ain't, she's young, bout my age. Shes got blond hair and her name's Sunny. I ain't know why but after I saw her, I just didn't wanna get sexy with her. I told her I'd pay and all, and she could leave. I gave her the dough, Maurice the elevator guy, had told me, but Sunny kept sayin it was $10 not $5, but I wouldn't give'er a penny more. I lie on the bed thinking how phony the whole situation had been, when someone starts knockin on my door. When I open up, it's Maurice telling me I owe Sunny more dough. I told the sunofabitch I wasn't gonna give him a cent more. Before I know it, the goddam moron has me pinned to the wall and he slugs me in the stomach. Sunny took the dough from my wallet and both of them left me lying there on the floor for christsake! I hate that sonofabitch Maurice!

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